What struck me most about this question, and it may have been framed this way subconsciously and not on purpose, was how quickly it went to "othering." I am not dualistic enough,I guess, to look at the world in terms of landlords and "other," which includes both renters and their patsies in government apparently. I certainly don't think of it as something I'd identify with when asked about myself. However, that you touched upon it at all, shows what a sensitive and delicate matter it all is. Since it's dealing with shelter, which is like, a basic human need, vs something more esoteric like the stock market, emotions will tend to run deep. On the one hand there's this belief in God-given right to own property, and on the other hand, there is real palpable angst and anxiety that we are heading backward into a feudal system. And when so many of the people holding the property in the first place did so through inheriting it either through the deed. or the money they used to buy it, I don't know if I'd chalk up someone else's "failure" to own real estate as their failure to plan ahead or being nefarious. And I think it does fall on the government to make sure they're protected since many of them are preyed upon, exploited, or taken advantage of. Besides it's like , one errant news story about situations like this every 6 months or so, it's hardly the norm and certainly not enough to imply a coordinated effort.