Hi. I'm need help determining if my experience selling and leasing land for my company qualifies me to become a California Real Estate Broker. I don't quite follow the requirements: http://www.dre.ca.gov/Examinees/BrokerExperience.h...
The part that confuses me is this: "It should be noted, however, that claims for equivalency by unlicensed persons for activities which require a real estate license will not be considered."
I am not licensed. Since I'm not required to have real estate license to sell my company's assets, will my 10 years experience as a full time real estate agent for Los Angeles Department of Water and Power count? It says "for activities which require a RE license"... I wasn't required to have one.
I have a BS in Business Administration: Management (Spring 2002) and I've completed the required Real Estate Courses at Saddleback Community College (Summer 2008).
Will my allowed unlicensed experience combined with RE certificate and BS Biz degree qualify me?