@Justin Morris @Dan Maciejewski
You are both inquiring about a potential lender who would help with financing on the tax deed property.
The bank or private lender is going to ask you for the TITLE INSURANCE to protect themselves from any former owner of the foreclosed property filing a suit to annul the tax deed. To get TITLE INSURANCE you will need to issue a due process notification of the initial tax sale and upcoming quiet title suit to any an all former owners and heirs.
You can at anytime just quiet title and never locate any former owners but the company issuing the TITLE INSURANCE will simply find any heir that you never served notice too and invalidate your eligibility. Keep pawning off your property on other TITLE INSURANCE companies until one accepts it. After your first lawsuit, you will likely never gain another TITLE INSURANCE policy.
Want to see if you can get TITLE INSURANCE on any tax deed property? Find the former owner, knock on their door and give them their post tax sale notice. If they are happy about it then you can easily Quiet the title using a follow up formal due process notice service. I have done this multiple times with my properties. The situation is always tense and the former owners are fully aware that the paper you are holding says they owe money and lost their beautiful home. Skip tracing and process service by a professional will cost about $200 per person and can cost as much as $600 if the former owner wants a carton of cigarettes before appearing to get served.
If you want a loan on the TAX DEED rental home then get TITLE INSURANCE by notifying every former owner with an in-person legal notification of their tax debt by a person authorized to do so according to Florida court statutes.