Exactly so, Shari. As a country, we've borrowed our way into a pretty big hole, and now the government proposes borrowing our way out of it. Since we have no manufacturing base to speak of, we have no real way of creating wealth to get us out of this hole.
It's very clear that most people will keep voting for the dorks that helped create this mess, and the dorks will evidently hire the guys that made the problem to help "fix" it.
I'd suggest an economic revolution. Given the communication tech nowdays, why can't we create local co-ops to fund small manufacturing businesses to start creating real wealth. I don't see how it's really cheaper to ship our raw materials to China and let them make things and then ship them back here than it would be to make things locally and save mass quantities of oil in shipping costs.
We've let the "experts" tell us we don't need to manufacture the things we use, and now we're paying the price.
Time to do things differently.