Hi Tanya!
While the analysis looks okay on paper, I'm going to guess that your numbers for repairs and CAPEX are very low. Based on the purchase price, I'm just going to take a wild guess that this is an older building in an average-at-best neighborhood.
If that's the case, you are going to spend a lot more on repairs, and you are going to have a lot of CAPEX every year. I've had places like this, and they always seem to do much worse than I am thinking.
This is especially true if you are going to use a manager. For example, on the places I self manage, if there's a toilet flapper that needs to be replaced, I can do it myself for $15 parts + my time. If a manager calls a handyman to fix that same problem, the minimum bill is going to be $125 (parts + markup + trip fee + other such nonsense). You are going to be AMAZED how much maintenance costs when a manager runs point.
Speaking of management, your percentage is low too. Even if the managers tell you they take 10%, they probably also take the first month's rent from any new tenant, so that's going to cost more every time you place a new tenant. And with a 5-plex like this, I bet you will have at least one placement a year. Maybe more.
Where you can gain some money in this analysis is in the garbage and water / sewer expenses. You can pass along a flat fee for garbage to the tenants. Just divide the bill by 5 and that's your flat fee. And for water/sewer, you can either install sub-meters and charge for usage (better way, but more expensive) or just come up with a flat fee and pass it along to tenants.
That's my two cents -- hope it helps!