My tenant called a couple weeks ago and said she's starting to see bugs, namely roaches, inside the condominium that I rent to her and her roommate (keep in mind that her apartment is on the third floor of the complex, and it's January, so I thought it was a little bit odd to have a bug problem this time of year). I'm still fairly new to being a landlord, so I was hoping to get any advice from those that may have been through this situation before or might have knowledge on the topic.
My lease states that after 15 days after the start date, any pest control is the tenant's responsibility, and she didn't seem to have a problem with that. She tried using an indoor spray which helped the problem for a few days, but she started to see them again. Her friend's family owns an extermination business, so he came to spray for her, however after a few days she saw them again, and believes they are coming from one of the neighboring apartments, which I do not own. The tenants that I have in the condo are great tenants, I've been in the condo multiple times since they've moved in and everything always looks clean and orderly. I don't want something like this to chase them away when it comes time for renewal. Not sure if this isn't a good practice but I almost feel like paying for a professional to come in and spray to ensure the problem gets taken care of, and if that doesn't do it, then we have just cause to take other action.
I called the management company for the complex, and they simply stated that any pest control was the responsibility of the owners and tried to leave it at that. I said we didn't think it was coming from our apartment, and asked what we were supposed to do. She told me to go knock on their doors and ask them to spray. She said they don't have access to the apartments, and I said 'neither do I'. She said if they didn't fix the problem then I was going to have to take it up with the magistrate.
I haven't asked around yet, but I'm assuming it will be a bit insulting to ask all three neighbors if they have bugs, so I'm trying to figure out the best course of action. I asked my tenant if her friend was truly a professional to see if we could get some kind of write-up that states that the bugs are not coming from this apartment. It doesn't seem that the management company wants any involvement at all (which is surprising), but I read the rules and regulations under the HOA and it says that it's the individual owner's responsibility, as the management company stated to me. It also says that the negligent owner that causes the problem should pay for the reparations, and that health issues should be reported to the Allegheny County Health Department.
I have a couple actions that I think I could take, but I wanted to see if anyone has dealt with this experience before and possibly learn from the experience.
What I've been thinking of so far is:
- If my tenant's friend is not a true professional, get a professional in the unit to spray and give me a write up that they think it's coming from another unit.
- Asking my lawyer to look at the rules and regulations to advise on the best course of action (if the condo management company truly has no part in this, if I should call the health department, etc.). This is one of my more expensive options.
- Writing a professional note to the neighbors to see if they have been noticing bugs (not sure how to put that in a nice way so that it doesn't make them assume that the bugs originated in my condo unit)
- Call the Health Department - I've never done this before so I'm not sure how that would go.
- Get the magistrate involved - I'm not sure how we'd be able to do this without being able to pinpoint the source. Also if possible, I'd like to not make enemies out of all of my neighbors...just need to take care of the problem.
Any thoughts you may have would be greatly appreciated!