I am just getting more and more confused on the whole idea of an LLC. I have spoken to my attorney and CPA, both give conflicting information.
All I want to do is put rental property in LLC's, and the only thing I am confused on is how to advertise with multiple LLC's.
Example - If I have 10 LLC's with x amount of properties in each one. If I have more then one unit that I need to advertise for and they are in seperate LLC's, how would you advertise, if you dont want to use the LLC's name for each property that you are advertising for.
I thought about just using a DBA in my county and just using that name for all the LLC's, but then that brings up another issue. What if your driving down the road and you hit someone, and all they see is Dos*** Home Buyers and Rentals on the truck, then they find out that it is used for 10 LLC's, to me this leaves the door wide open for all the LLC's to end up in court.
Now another thought I had was to put properties in LLC's and then form LLC and use it for Dos*** Home Buyers and Rentals, this would only be used as a property manager and then I can contract out the labor from my other LLC's to Dos*** Home Buyers and Rentals.
If anyone from Texas has an idea on how it works in this state I would appreciate any help.
Basically I am just trying to figure out how to have business cards, signs, news paper ads, ect. with one name that can be used for all LLC's?