Good Afternoon,
Today I have spoken to several very helpful representatives and found that
my only course of action is to submit an exception to policy in hopes you
hear my appeal. I have read Circular 26-20-13 and their updates and could
not understand how there are processes in place for other loans that help
mitigate risks involving COVID-19, but not available for the type of loan I
am currently trying to close. I have invested over $4,000 towards closing on
this property and there isn't anything in the circular that protects the
veteran financially when this was published. I'm requesting an exception to
policy to continue processing the loan or to request an update to policy to
help other veterans in my shoes recover the expenses paid towards closing
effected by the suspension of the Alteration and Repair Loans.
After further review of my case I see that the Appraisal was ordered by my
lender on 30 April and the Circular was published on 10 April of this year.
I understand that they were not in compliance with the circular, but how it
was distributed to them to ensure they put measures in place to ensure that
it is followed is something I would not have control of. The Sellers are
under no obligation to proceed as we are now past our agreed closing date
and there is no recourse to them if they decide to accept other offers. The
sellers are heirs of a deceased family member and have been trying to sell
this home for almost a year and will be actively accepting offers. We have
been looking for a home for over a year and started this process in October
in hopes to move as soon as possible. We are under financial duress paying
for a Loft downtown Poughkeepsie which was fine for two working adults, but
not for my 19 month daughter and a stay at home mother.
If you take my plea into consideration, and continue to process the loan, we
have a VA Approved inspection by a verified HUD Consultant to include pest
and termite inspection, a completed Appraisal and all the laborers involved
in our project are still in service and are taking percussions themselves to
protect their business, employees and ensure they are operating under CDC
Guidelines. My documents are current with the lender and are ready to
execute the loan as soon as the suspension is lifted or the exception to
policy is approved. Again, I understand the intent of the Circular and
admire the that you are protecting all of us, but please put yourself in my
shoes, all other loans are closing, builders are building, agents are
closing and I'm in a standstill with a lot of money that I was able to scrap
together to provide a better home for my family and will tell them we will
not have the home we visited several times dreaming of what the future will
bring, we will be devastated if we do not close on this home.