I am currently in the middle of rehabbing my first property as well. I worked in the commercial construction industry and kinda knew the ends and outs of dealing with subs and what was needed but since I was working a full time job 45 min the actual project site, I knew I physically wouldnt have the time or freedom to just drop in whenever and check on subs and such daily. I ended up going with a GC which has helped me keep my mind at ease when I cant be there.
I have since quit my full time job and work part time in residential construction with plans to aquire my own licences to pull permits and such. I still have the GC on because now he is almost acting as a paid mentor. I have more time to hang out at the house, see it get built and join in on the hard work on MY project. I dont plan to use one on my next flip purchases, but the on-the-job training i'm getting now, along with some tips and tricks from an experienced contractor, is invaluable to my future and the money i will save.
I'd say if you have the time to be there everyday ( not all day but definitely checking in) maybe making some hardware and material runs so guys can keep working, and you have basic knowledge of residential construction where you kinda understand the basic timeline and task are needed for a certain project to be completed. You should have no problem being your own GC. and like @Ryan Shaw
said, Be slow to hire and quick to fire.