You can piece the corporate veil if you fail to operate your LLC according to laws. If you lapse at doing this then it can easily be pierced. If you manage your LLC correctly then it can be pierced.
No you do not need to have your LLC before you purchase your first property. I did not. You quit claim deed them into the LLC when the LLC is created.
Keeping everything in your name means that you can have everything you own taken from you if you are sued. That means your house, your car, your savings account and your retirement accounts.
In a an LLC if they get a judmgnet against the LLC then they can only get the company. Not your car, your house, your savings account or your retirement account. You are much better off with an LLC than keeping everything in your own name.
I would say pony up $150 and talk to a good cpa. Better pay that than to lose your own house and car in a lawsuit. That is unless you home and car is worth less than $150 then it that case keep everything in your name since you have nothing to lose.