The Power of Passive Investing is pleased to have Dr. Jamil to speak on the topic of "10 Principles To Get The Most Out Of Yourself And Perform At The Highest Levels: Achieving More With Less".
For those who want to perform at the highest levels and get the most out of themselves, this event is for you! Over the years I've had the privilege of coaching leaders and high performers from around the world, and it isn't an accident that they are at the top of the game. There are fundamental principles they operate from that sets them apart and creates their success. In our time together we will explore what some of those principles are. I look forward to being with you soon. - Dr. Jamil
Dr. Jamil Sayegh is an international life, business, and relationship coach, integrative naturopathic physician, master NLP practitioner, and the author of 20 Steps to Your Next Breakthrough. He works with leaders and high performers from all walks of life including world-champion athletes, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs, business professionals, and more to create an extraordinary life without regret.
7:00 – 7:05 PM Welcome and Introductions
7:05 – 7:35 PM Presentation
7:35 – 8:00 PM Q&A
- $0 – [1-100 Free with RSVP Via Zoom link]
WHERE: Online Webinar
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