IMHO, 43609 is not a particularly desirable zip code for flipping. You may be seeing some great buy-side deals because that area is economically depressed, but I think that you might struggle on the sell-side finding buyers at the right price point, post-remodel. That being said, there might be some pockets of 43609 that are an exception, for example, very close to the Toledo Zoo.
I'll second the comment from @Daniel Kramer about Washington Local Schools; being a separate school district but still within the city, this area seems to hold its value fairly well. There are also some neighborhoods adjacent to nicer suburbs -- like South Toledo near Maumee, or West Toledo near Sylvania -- that benefit from proximity to those areas.
Best wishes on your endeavor! I have to admit, part of me is a little jealous given how frustrating it's been looking for opportunities in the Bay Area where high prices can be prohibitive; I think you'll definitely have greater flexibility getting started in the Midwest.