Many thanks to all who have already replied! Reading all your posts are both reassuring and validating. With these suggestions, there is so much that I have been doing already, either in part or in whole. @Natalie Kolodij, I agree that BRRR will be tough in my local market, but hope to employ that elsewhere. (I will send you a PM to follow up on tax strategies.) @Brett Snodgrass, thanks for reaching out. I have keyword alerts set up and thus have seen your posts in Indy threads (and appreciate your insights) as I have been lurking there. I will send a message to get more contact info on your dispositions guy. @Jay Hinrichs As I was navigating my way around the BP website and discovering all its resources, I started listening to the podcasts. Since there were 200+ episodes, I initially started going back to the beginning of 2017 and cherry picking those that I found intriguing. Since you are local, I thought to myself, "I'm definitely listing to this one!" In fact, it may have been the first one I listened to. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you may have made the comment to newbies to go back and listen to all of the podcasts. Although I had this in mind already, I did start doing this. I'm at #27 now, working forward. Even if it's not in an area in which I'm directly interested, I listen intently and, of course, learn something for each of them. I have a notebook that I keep for all things real estate related and I've gotten to writing a little "nugget" from each podcast in that book. I'm going to the NWREIA main meeting this evening. Again, there's usually something that I learn at these events. I'm actively looking for legal and tax advisors and tonight's speaker plans to address strategies related to this. I've been disappointed in some of the main meeting speakers as there's often a sales pitch associated with the talk. Discussing this with another attendee, I learned of the Rarebird group that you mentioned. I haven't yet been able to attend, but it is on my agenda. Thanks for the link to the turnkey source. Because we're leaning toward OOS investing, turnkey is an option that we've considered. I've spoken with a couple of people on this front and have plans to speak to more, including @Mike D'Arrigo. Yes, Mike, I figure that the best candidates for BRRRR will be through wholesalers or other off-market sources. I've got one contact, but will look to find more. @Anthony Varela, thanks for warm welcome, always nice to "meet" other local like-minded people. I appreciate your CPA referral and will add Rick's name to the list of people/firms to contact. @Benjamin Herrmann, thanks for the tip on deal analysis- it's well received. As I said, we've read a lot and have a fair amount of textbook knowledge, but I think one hole I have is in deal analysis. So doing that every day (just like I tell my son with respect to the piano) makes perfect sense to hone those skills. Yes, I have checked out the Salem market for the exact reason you mentioned. I can't be investing sweat equity OOS, but I can certainly drive 45 minutes south and do it! I have a keyword alert for Salem, but don't seem to get many hits.
Thanks again, everyone, it's great to be part of this community!