Quote from @Gage Perkins:
Hey there everyone, hope you all had a good week. I work in building trades, actually started working in building trades due to wanting to get into real estate. Previously I worked as an LNA (most the country knows it as a CNA). I live in Vermont and from what it looks like looking around a bit on here there doesn't appear to be many people from here on this forum. Even harder, the two cities listed are an hour and an hour and a half from me. I work with a couple of guys who have a rental or two but both of them had the properties fall into their laps. Not really sure where to go to get started as it's such a small state and not a whole lot there. I don't work on site anywhere so I wouldn't be able to meet general contractors, I work in a warehouse building houses. My goal is to do house hacking with FHA loans as that's about the only way I would be able to do it. I don't have a lot of funds, I pay a lot in child support, feeling kind of lost on what direction to go. Currently trying to clear up some debt I have to help boost my credit up but ultimately by the end of the year would like to at least be in the process of doing my first deal. I'm in my mid 30s and feeling like I'm behind the curve. I would like to eventually have rental properties to have passive income to be able to start a business of my own as I've always wanted to own my own business. I would also like to do some flips and brrrrr. I am kind of unsure where to start and feeling overwhelmed being out of my element. I started listening to the bigger pockets podcast from the beginning again this week while working as I figured learning while working would be beneficial and would be a better use of my time. I've read rich dad, poor dad, think and grow rich as well as some other Napoleon Hill work. Done research and looked deeper into real estate with google searches there is so much info out there it's hard to tell what is real and what is just garbage. Any insight into what I can do to start networking while in a very small area and working full time?
@Gage Perkins
Hi Gage,
It sounds like you are on the right track… reading books to build both your knowledge and motivation. Being on Bigger Pockets is also a great start too.
My first suggestion is to search out a local real estate meetup. I know you say there aren’t many. Searching google I found this one that looked legit:
I’m sure there are others… even if maybe in a close by neighboring state. But I think you will definitely find them in Vermont if you search them up. While I’m in Florida, I know there have to be groups in Vermont. The nice thing about hooking into a group is that you meet real people where you can ask lots of questions and just absorb a lot of knowledge. Once you find one, find the people that are doing what you want to do in that group (be it rentals, or flips, or whatever)… and ask them if you could meet up with them for coffee some time to discuss things… like how they got started, etc. It seems like such a trivial thing, but what you will find is that is the first step in making connections, that will grow both your knowledge, as well as opportunities as you learn more.
As an FYI, I got into real estate when I was 47 (now 55). So mid 30’s is the proverbial ‘spring chicken’ compared to me! My advice to you is two fold. First, it usually takes some money to jump into the ‘game’ of real estate. So getting your own house in order there is important. It’s not a problem to have debt. But at the end of the day you need some disposable income you can throw at a purchase. So you have to look inside yourself and figure out how to get there. I went to a seminar a long time ago (I was in college) and the speaker said to the audience “You are where you are because you choose to be there.” It was a profound thought that caused me to go quit my job the next day! The seminar had nothing to do with real estate by the way. But the point was YOU are the limiting factor on your situation. You can do a career pivot way easier than your think. At age 37 I went into a completely different field than what I was in (photography at the time) and went to work for a bank doing Anti-Money Laundering. I knew nothing about the profession, and they expected that, frankly. They put us through an 8 week course to teach us how to do it. I doubled my income in a matter 2 years doing that career pivot. In my opinion it would be hard to get into real estate making CNA pay (from what I know of it). So I would encourage you to look for a way to increase your income - and that might include a career pivot. Perhaps the pivot to Building trades was just that! So if so, good job!
Keep in mind that real estate is a get rich slowly proposition. Sure, you could do a flip and make a chunk of cash. But not if you can’t buy the flip and afford to do it. As a beginner flips are not only daunting, but somewhat dangerous, in the sense that you don’t know what you don’t know. Little mistakes can be expensive if you miss them. So personally I would not recommend flips - especially with someone who has limited funds, and even less experience doing them.
As for what to do, my suggestion to you would be to buy a duplex and live in one side, while renting out the other. You already likely pay rent to live someplace… so it’s really money you are already spending every month. When you buy a duplex, you usually can make your entire rent payment from the money your renter is paying you. So in essence you get to live rent free. You then take the money saved and start saving it towards a down payment on (another) new house for yourself. Once you have that down payment saved up, you move out of the duplex, and rent both sides… and just like that you have 2 doors in your budding portfolio. It’s about the cheapest way into real estate. You can get a loan with 3.5% down as long as you live in the property for a year. It’s about as good as it gets. Yes, you need the 3.5% down. If you don’t have it you have to figure out how to get it. Maybe its work overtime, or partner with a family member, or ‘whatever’. Real estate isn’t magic… it takes skill, dedication, and effort. You can start out excited about it from reading things like Rich Dad Poor Dad… and that is awesome. But there is the ‘reality’ that you have to put yourself in a position to be able to make the next move to start down that path, and realistically it’s going to take either luck (like you inherit some money or something like that) or hard work and dedication where you force yourself to save money to be able to make a purchase.
There are a lot of options. Some might suggest wholesaling, where you go out and find deals and sell them to another investor, etc. While it’s possible to do this, competition is fierce (I get 3-5 calls a day from wholesalers looking to buy my properties). It can be done… but in my opinion its a lot of spinning your wheels and dealing with a lot of bad situations (desperate people who you are somewhat exploiting to cut yourself in on their bad fortune). It can be ‘spun’ to say you are helping them out. But from my experience the seller would have almost always been better off just listing the house ‘as is’ and getting what they can get for it, versus both the wholesaler and another real estate investor profiting off the deal. Going and getting involved with a local group will give you exposure to a lot of ways others got started. It’s another benefit of finding that group!
I wish you the very best as you look to enter the profession