What other aspects of real estate have you been involved with?
Thanks for the welcome guys,
I've been a commercial asset manager for 5 years(licenced RPA), real esatete agent/broker (on and off) for 12 years, General Contractor, and my last position was as real estate consultant for a large contruction project.
Now I'm doing trustee sales in the los angeles area, its a tough business, but I like it.
I have't really been through too many ups and downs in my career, when I started getting into real estate market around 95 market was down and in a couple years shot up from there. But from what I see we are in a downswing, and right this moment, IMHO, we are in a steep decline. REO's are hitting the market and the sellers that have had their house on the marekt for 6-10 months are dropping their prices, forcing everyone else to follow. That coupled with buyer psychology, the loan situtaion, and a a natural price correction is hitting the market hard. How hard and how fast? your crystal ball is as good as mine.
Thansk for the welcome guys, I hope to learn alot here and contribute when I can.