I have a new tenant move into my condo unit as a renter. She's a section 8 voucher recipient, single mother with children. Within a month, I am getting calls at all hours of the night with complaints about noise, smoking, screaming, and the like. There's partying and one incident with fighting in a hallway that led to cops coming, though little was done. I'm afraid for the children.
The lease text has been repeatedly violated. The neighbors can't sleep, they appear to be afraid and also fear retaliation for calling the police. Talking to the tenant has done very little to improve the situation.
Seems like a bad apple that needs eviction, but DC has very tenant friendly laws, a moratorium on evictions and the HOA and neighbors are getting very upset with me and want me to get the tenant to act more appropriately or to leave.
They're threatening to fine me. Law says that fine must be "reasonable," but I don't know what that could entail. Any suggestions on if I can fight an excessive fine and what else I can do to get her to change behavior?