The letter states the following:
WHEREAS, John Smith, is the Trustor, Bank of America, N.A, is the current Beneficiary and ReconTrust Company is the current Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust dated XX/XX/20XX, and recorded on XX/XX/20XX as Instrument or Document No. XXXXXXXXXXX, in book, page, of the Official Records of the County of Los Angeles County, State of California;
WHEREAS, the Trustee does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate now held by the Trustee under said Deed of Trust.
Dated 1/17/2013
Trustee: ReconTrust Company
By: Maria Fregin, Assistant Vice President
State of Arizona, County of Maricopa
.....and then below all that, it is notarized. He also received a copy of the recording filed at the recorder's office in Los Angeles, CA. Oh, and my colleague's name is in the spot where it says "John Smith" in case you didn't figure that out. The name was edited to protect the innocent. =P
So, what exactly does this mean? Are they saying that he is now the owner of the house, or did BofA reconvey it to ReconTrust? I'm confused because he hasn't finished paying off his mortgage.