I owned both new and old. But consider this. Yes, you can get the old one off ebay for cheaper and if you're that strapped for cash well, I guess go do it. But if you at least have a job, then you should be able to afford the new course which I recommend. It's about $250 or so, and well worth the money. Also you can buy Dolf Deroos's "Realestate Investors College". It's got about 13 CD's. Teaches "everything" and you can buy it off some discount book sellers (amazon) for like $35us if you shop around.
Like I just don't get it. I honestly don't. Most people will spend tens even hundreds of thousands of dollars getting diplomas and degrees that amount to jack sqwat! And if they do amount to anything that means that in the end they get a day job working 9 to 5 for peanuts for the rest of their lives. I just seen a program on CNN. The man of the house couldn't afford to send his teenage kids to college. Why? Because he still had his own damn student loans to pay off!!!! Can you imagine??? Even professionals like many doctors and lawyers aren't doing all that well because they're trading time for money. Why the hell would you ever trade time for money. It's the stupidest thing you could ever do if you want to get anywhere in life and not have you own student loans left at the time when you need to pay for your own kids college ;-)
So why not instead spend $250 + $35 to learn from two of the best and brightest in the industry. Who've made hundreds upon hundreds of millions between the two of them. Starting with nothing. Who actually "do" and not just "teach". And then adding some of your own backbone and determination to take what they teach and just go do it. So for less than $300 bucks you'll be well on your way to an early retirement.
I can't believe this but just the other day I got into a discussion with a relative about how lower class breeds lower class, and middle class breeds middle class....why? It's pretty simple actually. The parents teach their kids to "get jobs". Or at best "go to college or university first" then get a job. Which is about the worst thing you could ever teach your kids if you actually want them to do well. Because jobs don't equal wealth. Like Robert Kiosoki says "all you need to get rich is income producing assets". That's the simple key to getting rich. Owning income producing assets and having large amounts of "good debt" on your side. Anyway, ****, I sound worse than some late night informercial dude. But I'm just saying that golly gosh darnit, why on earth did they not teach me this in grade school or college? Why? Tell me? I'd be way ahead of the game if someone just told me year ago that's how to get rich. None of this "go to school and get good grades, and get a good job ********" any way enough said.