1. To gain more knowledge on appraising and helping our business:
I'm assuming, based on the main thing we all discuss and learn here on BP which is real estate investing that your business will focus somewhere in investing which always leads to repairs.
For the knowledge I'd suggest connecting and maybe working as a painter or handyman, or just an intern/shadow for a General Contractor {they know how much things cost, they know how to negotiate, they know real estate.} Getting next to one of those guys and having them to groom you could lead to a prosperous path.
2. To have a more flexible schedule and help grow the business
Learning and practicing real estate in whichever form you choose can potentially help "grow" your business. I'd suggest, decide EXACTLY what you want to do in real estate {ie. Broker Deals, Broker Loans, Invest, Contraction, ect.}. Once you decide the EXACT space you'd like to be in go direct, don't be indirect thinking that doing someone's job will help you thrive. You already shown that you're entrepreneurial, so go in that direction by friending a mentor who does what you'd like to do find areas on opportunity through your connection with them and capitalize on it. Bring deals and/or information that could benefit them, have these ideas on paper with great presentation to make good impression and to be taken seriously. Adding benefit is your way to getting in circles and rooms that you aren't currently in. {Tip: Appraisers typically have relations with Lenders not investors.}
3. To make a better income
Not a question I can answer. Not sure of your income, but what I will say is that an "better income" is realitave. I drove Uber and saved for 3 years in order to qualify for my first property. My advice is if you have worked more then or are close to 2 years on your job then keep it, save and sacrifice where needed because 2 year work experience is typically needed to qualify for a mortgage. {Tip: you can get down payment assistance through grants and programs, set with a Mortgage or Real Estate Broker because they can point you in the right direction. Also, with most programs a family member or friend can give you a gift towards your down payment, which you can work to pay them back.}
4. I believe they do have access to the MLS. (I looked it up and I'm pretty sure they do get access).
If access to the MLS is what you're after then it's pretty simple to become a real estate Broker. Its a quick class or home study then a 3 hour test. Once you pass you'll be hired the day of by a Sponsored Broker and have all the MLS access you want. Then you can Broker deals, work with homeowners, investors and most importantly because of your license you'll have something beneficial to others which will help to grow your business.
I'm an Investor and Broker in Chicago, it worked for me so those are my thoughts.
Best of Luck, If you need help in Illinois reach out.
- Quo