@Marco Bario @Paul Chapey @Mark F.
I have been with AHP servicing couple years and do monthly deposit to them as my system "pay myself first". I have never tried to do "full redemption" of my money back from them, so never knew if it was trouble. I thought it was within 60 days and 10% return goes to 8% if withdraw.
I have requested my whole account of funds back to get me liquidity on October 19th, 2020 and still have not got ANYTHING. I did this investment, because believe in the model (distressed notes) and thought this was liquid. Otherwise would've just kept 100% control and invested in real estate or index funds myself.
Good to see you successfully redeemed your funds from AHP servicing before. 6 months seems crazy, but understand coronavirus could be at fault. Have you ever done "full redemption" of funds and got it back? I am wondering if I only requested partial that it would redeem me faster, unlike me asking for 100% of my funds back.
This all seems very interesting to me now that it isn't as liquid as thought, especially after watching Bernie Madoff and Ponzi schemes.
@Paul Chapey