Get the billboard/TV guys to send you leads for property types they get calls on but don't deal with. Build your buyer list, wholesale those properties, and pay the billboard guys 20% of what you make. That's the best lead source there is because you're coat-tailing on their 15k/month ad budget.
Nobody in Phoenix has an ad budget anymore, but it was nice while it lasted. I was the go-to guy for mobile homes for about a dozen Homevestors franchises and a few other locals with big ad budget.
For anyone else in Phoenix: I'm BACK doing mobile homes now, along with mobile home parks and other multi-unit properties if the CAPs are high enough. Send 'em if ya got 'em. Greater Phoenix area only, and I mean that.
@Prince - You can't be doing this well by just targeting absentee owners as such. You've gotta be hitting absentee owners in foreclosure or in some other distress situation.
In any major metro, you should be able to get NOTS lists off your MLS, or from 3rd parties who compile them immediately as they are filed at the County.
And some County Assessor offices will run just about any search you want for $100-200-ish.
@Realtyman - direct mail IS a time-waster if not specifically targeted and appropriate for current market conditions. And personally, I avoid sales pitch bs and useless guru-speak filler text like "bankruptcy, foreclosure, divorce". They know their situation. I use that space to tell them simply and clearly them what I do, else I leave it blank.
Many title companies used to make up free postcards off the county NOTS filings (you'd pay only for stamps). Maybe they still do. I never used them just because I'm a control freak about my stuff.
@Joel - you didn't tell us which the lower volume mail days are. I'll call the Post Office, because I never actually bothered to check on that before.
Scary thought about lazy carriers slipping postcards into the junkmail. Homemade postcards are good enough otherwise for low to medium residential properties.
Just who are you going to mail to for A YEAR? Tired landlords and owners of vacant properties is about it. The other stress situations are generally resolved by then. Yes, some people rescue themselves from foreclosure only to fall back into it, so just always mail to the current NOTS list and you'll catch them every time.
@Sean - more power to those who can do deals from probate. I worked it just long enough to learn that the people who step up to be PR are the responsible ones who aren't desperate sellers, and that the probate attys I targeted told me that rarely did anyone open probate unless they already had a buyer.
Maybe you know something I don't, but to me the "JG Banks" kind of PR list is absolute crap. You gotta get in earlier than that. I was working Death Certificates for a while (targeting the "Mail To:" names), but then I started up the mobile home referral thing, and just showed probate the door.
@Jack - I can't speak for Sean, but on the MLS I use there's a sub-system called "IMapp" which pretty much rules the earth. Original loan date is one of the 50 or so fields in the .csv files I download and process in MS Access.
But as said to someone else, many County offices will run searches for a couple hundred bucks.