thanks guys for all the tips. One of our main focuses right now is getting our car paid off which aside from student loans is the only debt we have. We personally would rather take a smaller profit from a flip than not flip at all. Any profit is profit to us right now. Ha. I believe that in CO you have to have a real estate license to be able to manage property officially. I've thought about becoming an agent or broker because it would be a great in but that also costs money. We might look into later after getting our debt paid off.
To us wholesaling just sounds scary with so many chances to mess up and get in a legal situation. I know if We learned everything it might work but I don't know if we are really comfortable with it.
I'll definitely mention that we are investors to everyone. We do know some people with money but we don't even know a good way to approach them about investing. Have any of you guys done this?
We are going through the free course and then will be getting some of the books. If anyone has a hard copy they wouldn't mind parting with let me know.