The timber frames and carpet around the bathroom entrance are damaged caused by the leakage from the showers. Since the shower booth has no door on it and literally is right next to the entrance, residual water along the surface eventually wets the frames and the carpet just outside the bathroom. Because of this I have installed a curtain and a bathmat but still doesn’t help much. Please consider the following factors:
1. I made formal writing with a condition photo of the damaged area as soon as I found this out to the agent and made them aware. However they replied that this is a common issue in the whole apartment therefore nothing could be done about it at that present time and just told me to be more cautious (So here they pretty much accepts the inevitable nature of the issue I believe?). This took place few months ago and the condition pretty much stays the same now or a bit worse as the parts are continuously getting damaged but slowly.
2. Despite the very efforts made (I believe that I have done everything that I possible could as a tenant to installing the curtain and bathmat with my own cost for a specific purpose, and informing the agent whatever necessary for further action to be taken if needed) this is a structural dampness that caused the damage and the essential nature of having the shower which inevitably made the leak leading to the damage would not constitute a negligent nor irresponsible act from my perspective. As a matter of fact so that the leak doesn't go as bad, I have this new habit of lowering down the showerhead as much as possible having my body very close to the wall which is very discomforting every time I take the showers...
Considering these factors would I be made responsible for the costs to get this fixed? Just recently an agent came over and had this looked and took some photos to be seen by the landlord. A little worried now…Kind advice would be very appreciated.