@Joe S.
Hey Joe, I definitely get where you’re coming from. Young children don’t understand that the sacrifices you’re making today is so that they can have a better future tomorrow.
With that said…it’s hard to strike a healthy balance between being focused on our business & family life.
I find that avoiding an ALL or NOTHING attitude is helpful. I reason on it this way. Imagine if you were (God forbid) to get in an accident resulting in you being in the hospital for a week or so. You simply WOULDN’T be able to be actively involved in any rehab projects.
What’s the absolute worst that could happen? Your answer may reveal much about your rehab plan.
I read an article about an investor who use to feel like he had to be present for each and every aspect of the rehab project from start to finish. And that that pausing a project for ANY reason was deemed as incompetence or failure on his part.
He later admitted, his feelings had less to do with his rehab projects than the way that he was structuring his projects.
He later learned to factor in “LIFE” into his projects. Meaning he now allows time to enjoy living life, while advancing his business, which he says ironically has made him more effective & efficient.