This WILL hold you back.
When something goes wrong in this business what do think about?
Like Seller lets you down, a deal falls through, you can’t figure something out, you haven’t closed anything, you keep hitting road blocks, you’re told this business doesn’t work, you are discouraged 24/7, you feel totally lost, etc., etc., you get the point.
When these things happen to you, you can think in one of two ways.
First way is about fixing whatever the issue is and moving forward. The second option is you are constantly thinking about quitting and giving up.
The problem with the second thought option is you are preventing your brain from coming up with the solution and fixing whatever the issues are that are getting in the way of progress.
Here’s my suggestion. Figure out 100% whether you are all in this business. That this is your future. That one way or another you will get this done. And if that is your decision. Then during the times crap hits the fan your brain is thinking about the right stuff instead of wasting it’s time on totally wrong thoughts.