@Nik Moushon
I guess my first question is What is the difference between a Duplex and a townhouse. For me a townhouse is simply a construction style... Narrower and on 2 levels or more.. Is this a duplex built with townhouse construction design? I have both and that is how I describe them.. Just curious..
Next observation is your process is eerily similar with the design/land use start up. I am finishing up 4 duplexes as I type this. I posted on here ,about it awhile back... I hired a surveyor who was pretty sharp, he kind of held my hand a bit up front on design, but honestly between proposal to the town- to scraping dirt it was less than 6k. I had probably a grand in attorney fees that was mostly to set up the condo plat and recording fees. Honestly probably 25-30 hrs total in phone calls, field visits, and town county meetings, visits. It still took 9 months from conception to construction, mostly to get on the series of town and county agendas required for the process. As far as your fees as an architect I guess I have no Idea where that is needed or justified? Maybe this is a regional thing, but here anything up to a duplex can be drawn by a draftsman. The lumber supplier employs multiple, and the service is free if you buy 70% of the materials from the supplier. Or 800-900 bucks if you decide to piece meal your materials. Architect stamp is needed for anything over a duplex. But the process is similar. I would take my desired design to the draftsman he would draw (free) then I would take it to the architect who would make a much more detailed version of the design. Still less than 1500 bucks all in depending if he draws MEPS as well. I hired an architect to design my slab, to appease our building inspector. It was 500 bucks.... Not positive but relatively certain my lender would question the fees as well.
I guess next question, I think was covered a bit in an above post. Is why did you not decide to GC yourself? As an architect its your job to know the process. Honestly after getting through zoning and design it should be pretty straight forward. Did your lender require it? Was the contractor number needed to pull permits? Did not have a relationship with subs? I guess all kinds of reasons are possible. I GCd my project, honestly less than 15 hours a week lining up materials, getting answers, unloading dumpsters, sweeping, periodically jumping in with a sub to help, buying pizzas on Fridays lol. I did self perform some labor on the first 2 but scaled that back on the next 2.
Congrats on your project and best of luck!