Hi There, I am calculating the cash on cash return of my house. Not sure whether the calculation is correct. Can someone give me some advice in the below scenario?
I bought a house 3 years ago with $420K and after 3 years the value on Redfin is about $460K so the appreciation is about $40K. But my down payment 3 years ago is only 10% of the total price $42K. I did not rent it in the 3 years. So can I calculate my cash on cash return like below $40K(appreciation)/($42k(Down payment)+(2.1K(Monthly payment for Mortgage+HOA)*36)) = 40/(42+75.6)= 34% so the annual cash on cash return is about 1.34 to find the cubit root. It is about an 11% yearly return on my initial investment. It does not include the rent income, just the appreciation, it is about 11%.
If I rent it out and the rent monthly payment let's say covers the mortgage and HOA, the cash on cash return will be $40K(appreciation)/($ 42K (Down payment) = 95% and it will be 1.95 to find the cubit root and it is about 25% yearly return on my initial investment.
Is my calculation correct? Any comments or ideas?
Thank you so much!