Thank you again for everyone that responded.
@Dennis M. - I'm not worried about anything. Not worried about finding a PM willing to service, finding tenants, or being the most knowledgeable about the area at the moment. I'm not pulling the trigger on any deals at the moment, I haven't decided on what area I'm going to invest in might not even be for another year before I buy a property. It was buying cash vs financing and I used the money in my bank account as a starting point (25k) Maybe I should have just made up a number and said 50k instead. "You think because you're flying out and touring the building or driving around for a weekend it's going to make you a knowledgeable investor for the area lol?" - First of all, I never made that claim that just doing so would make me knowledgeable in the area. I also never said I'd be up there for just a weekend either. I understand the power of doing research and making connections in the area of where I invest before just rushing in to buy a property. So don't insult my intelligence with your assumptions on what you think I believe, if I thought I had all the answers and a solid plan I wouldn't be on this forum asking questions.
@Matt M. - I can see how that experience would be an issue. I haven't seen the properties with my own eyes for 25k and below yet, I could have the same experience you did and not want any of them then save my money to possibly purchase 50k or 75k. That's the real idea behind this, save and use cash vs financing.
@Jim K. We would all do things differently if we went back in time. With my current life I'm past the point of being willing to house hack, yeah if I went back 13 years I would have done it easily. We also have a different investment/retirement goals from the sound of it, I think 401ks are a joke unless your employer is matching (and even then, what's the point if the goal is to quit my job sooner rather than later) and same with an IRA. I'd rather spend that money on the possibility of gaining an income generator instead of having a retirement fund that penalizes me for taking gains out early. Don't get me wrong though I am taking your advice into consideration, I know there are people that have had terrible experiences with 25k properties...but there are also people that have made it work. I'm trying to do as much research to tip things into my favor and like I said before maybe that does require me saving more money.
I'm still on the fence on this cash vs financing thing though. Let's use 35k since someone else mentioned that number.
I purchase a property for 25k and put 10k into rehab, all cash. I rent out the property for $700 a month ($8400) a year. Property management takes 10% ($840 a year) leaving me with $7560 for the year. Let's assume that it's vacant for 3 months while trying to find a tenant -$2100, now I have $5460 for the year. During the rehab I fixed the major issues with the property, so lets throw out -$1000 for repairs throughout the 9 months it was rented to a tenant, leaving me with $4,460
Is that so bad? (I know the numbers are made up, if someone can give me a real life example of how their property is doing that would be a big help) It's nice to know that since I paid for the property in cash that I don't have to cover a mortgage while it's vacant. I'm also not looking for appreciation since I would have purchased in cash, it would be a bonus though to land a property near a gentrification area.
I forgot taxes and insurance but you get it. I'll still come out making money.