Interesting topic. I'm going to go high level to start. Let's ask the question: how bad off are we, really? I cringe when folks talk about "spiraling debt" and grandstand with "debt clocks." We need some context and I usually go with debt as a percentage of GDP.
Is it bad? Yes. Is it the worst it's ever been? No.
After WWII we had proportionally more debt. Interestingly enough I'd argue we're in a similar position today for the same reason: out of control military spending. 1/6 of our spending is on "national defense." Strange so much of it isn't even on our nation's soil. The defense spending is even higher when we note a lot of the misc spending in the budget is towards overseas subsidies which support more military activity.
How did we get out of the hole after WWII? We taxed the hell out of the nation. In 1945 the the highest marginal tax bracket was 94%!
Today it's 40%.
If we're going to dig ourselves out, we'll have to cut military spending and increase taxes. A lot. The issues is that this isn't politically appealing.
We're going to need a wake up call. My money is on China losing faith and selling its dollar reserves and creating a huge dollar devaluation, but that's just speculation.
OK, so we were talking about municipalities, why did I go high level? Cause municipalities ARE high level. You know how you were always taught the government was built on a system of checks and balances? Have you ever wondered what the check was on the federal government is? Originally, we were the United STATES. The check was the states had the right to secede. That went out the window with the Civil War.
Now the Federal government runs the show and things trickle down to the states and municipalities.
What's going to happen if we have a slew of municipalities declare bankruptcy? Uncle Sam is going to increase taxes and give them more support. They might even get around the political quagmire of increasing taxes by warning about a "neighbor vs neighbor" society.