@Kazumi Boyd
Everyone says cant time the market
Everyone says its always a good time to invest in real estate
I think those are true… but I also get that until you are at a deal flow of a certain level, you dont have enough ammunition to “take shots” at a regular pace… and if you dont really have a regular pace… or if you have ONE bullet for a year or maybe 3 or more years…. How should you use that bullet? Its like in the wild… do I use the bullet to kill a bear charging at me, which might be never? Or do I use it to take down some elk and eat well? Or do I save it and try to hunt with a bow and traps?
I don’t have YOUR answer… but my answer as I had thought about this… keep moving forward. You cannot predict what ill happen, but you (me) should always do one of two things… take action… or prepare to take really good action. Theres not as much glory in the preparation… but what I realized is if I have a plan, and I am strategically preparing to exceute that… im ok. It not the “Key action” I want but its action to prepare for the next key action.
If I am saving up to be able to buy a great deal, or if I have specific criteria, or if I decide I am going to pay down debt while I learn how to do out of state investing… including using some funds to get resoucres do training or find mentors etc or fly and build a team somewhere.. I am preparing for action. If I am jjust holding my bag and waiting for the market to change… thats not preparation. Unless I have very sepecific clear reasons, and high probability, and a plan.. I need to be doing more than that. Whatever my next key action should already be decided, and then I build toward it no matter how long it takes.
In the wilderness example…. It would basically be preparing for two key actions at once. If there is enough food to eat without sing the bullet, keep doing that. Then fortify my self and area to defend against a bear to reduce the need for using the bullet like that. Eventually, it will come to the point where either theres absolutely no need for the caribou, so i hold the bullet, or theres no need for worrying about a bear…
That is how I currently look at it as a rookie. I dont have seasons advice to give you… just sharing my own situation.
(Currently one goal is to learn how to invest out of state, so i go where the market is best for me, and then two, is reduce the bottlenecks and create a plan to scale, both to reach a goal of financial independence via real estate)
Good luck!