Hi Dave,
Thanks for taking time out to respond. Maybe I am missing something or making it more complicated than necessary.
Let me write a bit more and maybe you can make sense out of the mess.
1) I am not clear on items paid in advance that cover both the in service and per/post in service dates. For example: insurance, utilities and taxes. As an example: Lets say the home was a rental for years and then became vacant April 16, 2017. Do I need to divide items paid in advance between in-service (expense), vs. out of service?
2) I thought all expenses were reported within the partnership return and then the profit or loss was carried to Schedule E from the K-1? Our taxes are prepared by a CPA and show nothing other than that on Schedule E.
3) In order to capitalize items from pre-and-post service periods I thought a 266 Election was needed? This was unfortunately not done in past periods but can be for the current year. I know taxes can be deducted on Sched. A and some additional holding cost but of course those are then subject to AMT and may not be terribly useful.
In a nutshell I am trying to figure out is it as simple as capitalizing any bills that come in after the last renter has moved out (and can that be done without a 266 election in a prior year) or is it more complicated to actually meet the requirements.
Grateful for the help.