Area and price of the house is the biggest factor, Depending on what you pay for the house it could work or not work. I find many of the "better" neighborhoods price points, Such as New Scotland, Upper Western Ave, etc. the numbers hardly work if you’re keeping a flat to yourself unless you’re renting out additional rooms in your unit.
However the math is simple… run an amortization calculator see what the taxes & Mort payment are, and then know what a flat in that area rents for, With that said here is 2 typical examples of Albany properties
New Scotland area 2 family’s run around 220k, 6k taxes, 1k insurance payment would be around 1570 a month, typical rentals would be around 1300
Washington ave areas 2 family will run around 140, 3500 in taxes, 1k insurance would be about 1000 a month, with rentals being around 1000 a month.
So you pretty much can break even in the not as good areas, grab a roommate or 2 and you’re really cash flowing.
But don’t forget about the big savings of the low down payment and locked in low interest rate when you plan on exiting in 2-3 years