Update on this listing:
So I went today to meet with the Realtor to show the house. The inside of is is pretty much trashed (as expected). Hole in the walls, cracked wall, heavy odor in the carpet of pet urine, and etc. It needs extreme amount of work. The cosmetics is what isn't holding me back from the place. What held me back and has me thinking to just let it be and keep looking around are two things.
-On the listing and the description it says "Buyer is responsible for all Twn/State CO/Smoke Cert Reqmnt." I am not sure if this is a red flag or extra steps for me to take.
-Also when I was in one of the units I looked out of the back windows to take a look at the backyard. I saw that there was water in the back yard from a near by creek. Vision like a swampy look in the grass that is basically what it looked like. That is a huge red flag for me I am assuming and pretty sure that that will be future issues.
Getting into this real estate investing game I do understand it takes a lot of repairing and what not and putting money into it and thats pretty much why I picked out this house. But I just get a bad feeling about the water in the backyard. I am a very ambitious and eager person and I don't want that to cloud my judgement.
Am I being too cautious or is it a possible dump that can be possibly polished up. Now I know its hard for everyone to really understand because I am not disclosing all the details as of the roof windows and what not, but just to give everyone an idea it needs a lot of work. Everything basically. What type of mindset do you keep in a situation like this.
@Bob B. @Brian Liscio