So my first property ended up being a successful brrrr, despite my many mistakes. A good deal from a family member fell into my lap and I've always wanted to be a real estate investor. It's only now as I've mentally gorged myself on all things real estate that I know how vague that ambition really was. This first deal really showed me how much I didn't know, that I didn't know. But as a forever student my optimism was not shaken ( it was supposed to be a flip btw, not a brrrr) now I'm about to close on the 20th on a mixed use, 4 unit value add project that cash flows positively day one ( not by much, but my plan is a larger scale brrrr)
This third deal that just just got out of attorney review is different in the sense that I'll only be adding minor value with minor rehab. It's duplex, and I'm projecting about 10 CoC. The reason it concerns me a bit more is because the initial funds will sit in there for a long time, but I love the simplicity, since I work 70 to 90 hours plus a week..
Is 10 percent CoC a good deal ( I know it's subjective and there are many factors ) but in your guys and gals opinions ? Thank you