I wanted to thank everyone (@Taylor L., @Andrew Kougl, @Bradley Sriro, @Rob Bergeron, and @Steven Foster Wilson) for your help with spring boarding me with this.
I found three blog posts on BiggerPockets that helped me understand where to find a lot of the pertinent information, and additional metrics to weed out the noise of having 9 states to examine (true first world problems):
My metrics are almost a hybrid out-of State investor mentality in my opinion. I used the third Blog Post’s spreadsheet and got rid of anything outside of my territory, as well as cities that exceed 30% RTI, or are under the 50% RTP. Once I had my “Top 33” I pulled each of their CAFRs to get a better sense of their stability.
I then pulled in other metrics like Population Growth to LY, Unemployment, Median Age (matters to me since I’ll be moving there and am single), Cost per Student, Violent Crime above US avg., Property Crime above US avg., Real Estate Appreciation in past 10yrs, Real Estate Appreciation from last year, Cost of Living, Distance to my best friend in Jacksonville, FL, Distance to my family in Indianapolis, IN, Distance to Atlanta, GA (trying to mitigate against being pulled too far out of the center of my region). Then I ranked each metric 1-33, and then summed the ranks together. That allowed me to be able to find a rough top 10.
Now I’ll start spending time breaking down each city’s neighborhoods into classes. If anyone knows of a quality blog post that shows you how to break down a neighborhood and do this efficiently, please let me know!