Hello everyone and God bless!
My name is Javier Ramirez and my wife, (Leslie), and I are embarking on a new journey of Investing in Real Estate. We are literally starting from ground zero as we are preparing ourselves to have the tools under our belts necessary to begin our process of investing. At the moment, my wife and I are discussing what area of Real Estate we would like to focus and concentrate on and become experts in. I, personally, would like to see how learning and investing in "Foreclosures" would be benefiting us as I see the trend currently being very overwhelming in this area due to the subprime loans scandal that exists. My wife, on the other hand, is interested in getting involved in Low Income Housing and would like to learn how to invest in properties that would enable us to rent to low income families who has lost their homes due to the subprime loan scandals. That is our position at the moment. I am a Regional Truck Driver while Leslie, my wife, works in the medical field. I would like to really utilize this site to network with like minds and learning as much as possible with those that has "Been There And Done That", :D . I look forward to meeting all of you in our journey to financial freedom. Feel free to respond and keep in touch. God bless everyone!
Javier Ramirez
Richmond, VA
P.S. If there is any advise or resources as to what avenues you would take or suggest to look at to help us make an informed decision as to how to go about starting investing in both areas of interest as mentioned I would love to hear from you. Thanks again in advance.