I gave this woman a key on Sat 8/22/2020 to stay in a house of mine in Atlanta for a couple weeks. Rental house, between tenants.
Then she took over the whole house, and did no work and paid no money.
Then , 4 weeks into her staying there, when I asked her to leave, she turned on me:
Became insanely and instantly hostile, ghosted me, either discarded or appropriated or destroyed or sold many of my personal belongings and renovation materials that I had stored in the house, changed the locks, and blocked access to backyard w her car. She has basically barricaded herself inside the house. MY house! I got electricity cut off, but she turned it right back on in her name -- no lease needed, go fig. I have no access to my own property. I called GA Power, told them this woman is a danger, she could burn my house down, besides the electrical needs rewiring, and they said No cannot cut off power, I would have to get pics and statements from fire dept and licensed electricians to PROVE that the house is unsafe. Wtf. Do we live in bizarro world?
I called police to the property, and they just said file for eviction.
I filed for eviction.
But it will take weeks. ðŸ˜
How do I go get the few belongings of mine that remain there? My friend said Let's go drill out her door locks, and I rejected this idea: While we are drilling, she will be inside breaking mirrors on medicine cabinets. Besides, this woman has access to all MY floors, walls, ceilings, light fixtures, etc -- so much damage she can do if I piss her off. She does not care about her record, credit , etc. as they are already trashed. PLEASE HELP.