I'm a current Elite student and have been very happy with the information from the classes. There will be many people who have decided not to go with them, which is fine. Everyone ends up paying for their education differently.
For example, my local REIA group is always advertising workshops on different strategies that Elite offers, as well as being part of the "fast-track/success" group so you can learn more, have more support, and really be successful in Real Estate. Everyone has their sales pitch. These classes they offer are cheaper per say as they're sold on an individual basis. However, they are not always full weekend workshops and you don't get recordings or refreshers on the classes.
Elite is expensive up front! I will not argue that at all. However, you can say i'm used to paying a lot of money for education because i've completed 2 Bachelor's degrees - One from University of Western Ontario (my home town) and the other from University of Cincinnati, to which I paid out of state the entire time I was there. Both I paid out of pocket...wasn't good enough for any type of scholarship either time. So I value education very much...and let me point out that I am not doing anything with either degree!...smh. C'est la vie!
When you compare individual strategies that Elite offers vs other mentoring/classes you find available, it works out to be about the same. You have to see how you learn best, what your finances are, and what you're willing to commit to.
I have nothing negative to say about Elite.
-They have been supportive.
-They have allowed me to take refreshers in Canada even though i signed up in the States.
- Life happened, and i'm currently in an extension period (I highly encourage you to complete everything in the original allotted time because this is just dragging it out as a student and you start getting cold fee if you're not in constant action) - This would status is probably the only real negative I have to say about them.
- The instructors/mentors in the US are a little bit more distant as in, they're not as available as they are in Canada and it's simply because of the Student to Teacher ratio. Canada is still a baby, so the instructors/mentors, up to now, still have the time to "hold your hand" if you will.
- Student resolutions is there to help! They have been super responsive and are quick to solve any issues I may have come across.
In the end, you have to do what you feel is best for you!