my last tenant ripped out all of the wiring from the attic, during the 60 days it took to get her out, I can't prove it, but I noticed you may have not served your tenant like I did, the company I hired served her, and any unknown occupant that resides with her at the same time, it was on her lease that no unknown occupants were allowed to stay, I find the nicer you are to some renters, the more spiteful they behave, and I know now how disgusted -----you begin to feel. But don't give up and follow suit if they do any damages, even if you don't get awarded, you can prove with pictures--- the fact of vandalization to your home. Shame on them, karma will be their result......we all reap what we sow... Just follow the law and don't get yourself in trouble. I wound up giving the keys to the police to check the wiring and all the places where she may have sold the copper. The police wound up arressting at least 3 people for trying to break in while it was empty......So sow good smart moves especially right now....they want to aggravate you so much that you will lose it.....and just Don't stoop to their level, that's how they win. Just follow the law, and learn, and know that at least you are nothing like them. Make it hard to rent for them again, by placing them in any bad tenant registry or a small claims court judgement for the damages. Good luck........but don't let them win by getting under your skin........anyone who would destroy another person's property is nothing but a loser anyway, but you don't want them to say you gave them aggravation while they were living there....I had 3 bad tenants in a row here in Florida, I never believed the other landlords who said I was too nice and had sucker written on my forehead, but now I know why most tenants I interviewed said there were nothing but slumlords out there.........not true....what was true was what the realtors all told me, that I was too nice and believed ever sorry *** story they gave me.....My home was so gorgeous, If I showed you the before and after pictures......OMG.....don't think I'll ever want to be a landlord again....flip homes yes, but I'm burnt out...and this never happened in NY, so I feel for you......But God sees just do what you can within the law ....they'll get theirs eventually