Many disabled senior tenants who are on a fixed income and who have been residing in the complex of 16 units from 3 to 20 years month to month. Owner is aware of the disabled and senior tenants . He has never raised the rents. There is no accommodation in the units or within the complex. There has been an infestation of coach roaches and termites for as long as I've resided there, and plumbing is backed up and will not and cannot be properly fixed because it is in the pipes of the entire building. Landlord has not corrected the problem. There was a private manager who live on the premises. He passed away. Shortly after the landlord hired a real estate management company who began to send a series of harassing threatening letters to gain entry to the units.
The first letter stated that a inspection would take place and a date was given. It went on to say that locks will be changed on units in which entry was not given. On the date given a woman comes out and goes into each apartment and looks around . I informed her of the infestations and plumbing and things that needed repairing.The woman says someone will call you and leaves.. I received no call....A week later another threatening letter is placed on the door saying someone will be out on dates given and again threatening to change the locks to the units. 2 weeks later a maintenance guy comes out and changes a light bulb. Tells me my electrical outlets are dangerous but do not fix them. 2 weeks later I received a notice of rent increase of 10/% and change of terms all on one letter. The thing is the letter only outlines leases. Tenants are told to choose one and return it by a specific date or else their rent would automatically increase 675.00 to 780.00 month to month. On this letter there are no owner, or agent signatures. But they want mines. There are no company name or logo. Neither is there any new lease just the letter. The letter goes on to say that all other still applies. How could they tell me that all other still apply when my original contract they are trying to void out with a lease or should I say a piece of paper with no foundation. Is this legal and what can I do about it. Many of the disabled and seniors in this complex they have signed this due to force and being afraid. I believe they landlord wants us out for his own reasons but since we are good tenants and pay on time he forces us to sign 12 month leases when we are on month to month. With the signing of these leases he does not have to renew them after 12 months. Or perhaps this management company his agent he hired is up to no good expecting us to sign something with no foundation. The funny thing is they got the majority of the disabled to sign it