Hey Rocco, i've started two LLCs in Oregon, although i am the registered agent for both of my LLCs i think i can help you out.
Ask the company you wish to use as your registered agent to form the LLC for you, its the same thing as you setting it up by yourself except they will be able to put themselves as the registered agent and the Drafter of the LLC.
If this isn't the case you should be able to create the LLC through the state with you as the registered agent and then change it to the company once your LLC has been formed.
As for the EIN, you must have a registration number from a formed LLC to get, if you have questions on that the the IRS has step by step instruction on how to obtain the EIN
i have never used a virtual office but im sure the registered agent company might be able to help you out with that. But if the virtual office Co. doesnt ask for a registered business number from the state, then i assume you can created one before you file for your LLC with the state.