@Sean Sullivan Will be happy to share my experience. I am still involved with the Coworking space, in fact I decided to quit my full-time gig to do this. In part because it wasn't growing as fast as I'd like. Currently the space I manage is 2,000 sq ft, but I'd say that you need at least 5,000 for it to be a decent revenue generator. Ideally in the 10,000 sqft. Regarding day to day mgmt. I'd say that developing a vibrant community does require you to be there constantly, organizing events, creating connections, services etc..so way more mgmt intensive compared to my rentals. Profitability depends on the lease you sign. We try to partner with landlords and do a profit share..easier said than done. Regarding the connectivity, I haven't had any huge issues but I do know that offering wired internet and wifi can ease some of the pains. We are looking to expand and looking for locations and new partners now. If you'd like to connect more let me know.