Does anyone really believe there is not going to be a significant loss of real estate values in Detroit and anywhere north east of the Chicago to Charlotte line? Sure there will be pockets of profitability, NYC, DC, Boston, etc., but the industrialized cities are doomed to losing value as they continue to lose population. You cant expect housing prices to rise in a city that once had units for 1MM people and now only has a population of 500K. Population predictions show Texas doubling in population over the next 25 years. Few other states are even close. Texas has plenty of land to help moderate housing price increases but still, people will only live so far from jobs, etc.
So where is the better place to invest; a cheap building in Detroit or a run-down building in South Dallas, Tx. Both are crime and economically challenged. But if you are looking for more than a few years of cash flow or appreciation potential, I think Dallas is the place.