Hey All,
I have been reading through posts on solo 401ks on BP and articles on the internet but I'm not quite finding answers to all my questions. I plan to roll over my Vanguard individual IRA from when I ran my consulting business. In 2009 my tax accountant told me to put in $5k to get into a lower tax bracket. Since then I have self-managed it and it is now roughly $45k. After I got married in 2009, I switched to working full-time. I also have roughly $30k in a retirement account from my previous job at Viacom that I plan to roll over as well. Beyond that, I have kept my LLC as a shell but plan to use it along with the solo 401k, so I can use the solo 401k to fund the LLC for real estate investing.
I would appreciate any help in answering the following questions:
- Can someone confirm that it is possible to roll over money from a previous employer's retirement account into a solo 401k?
- Is it ok to run a solo 401k based on my previous business if I have it fund the LLC for real estate purposes? Can I maintain it legally with rental income alone?
- Is it ok to use the solo 401k for a down payment on a rental property? I see scenarios online about buying the property in full, but not with partial payments like 20% down.
- Is there a way to start personally profiting off of a rental once the 401k funds are fully reimbursed? Like if I put 20% down and I pay back all the money associated with the down payment over time with rental income for example?
- Is there a limit to how much I can invest with a solo 401k? I don't know if I am getting confused with a self-directed IRA but I remember reading that there is a cap of $50k.
- I would also appreciate any suggestions on solo 401k plan providers that BP members love and can vouch for. Feel free to direct message me, if posting in the message is not allowed.