I was reading up on Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan green lit back in 2014. Looks like the city is still moving forward with it. I'm curious to know what others are thinking on this, I tried searching the forums but didn't find anything. I've summarized from their page for those unfamiliar or need a refresher..Link
The Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan prioritizes safety and streetscape elements to transform the Foster Road corridor and its surrounding neighborhoods into centers of vibrant and unique neighborhoods, resulting in an array of benefits for residents and businesses.
The project extends from SE 50th Avenue to the western edge of the Lents Town Center at SE 90th Avenue. Recommended changes to the street and urban design are meant to transform Foster Road from a largely high speed, auto-oriented corridor into a series of interconnected pedestrian-oriented places that are accessible by all transportation modes and support a vibrant mix of businesses and residences.
The Foster Road Corridor contains five district nodes: Gateway District, Western Core, Heart of Foster, Green Link, and Crossroads District.
Spring 2017 Update: The project has incorporated additional funding from the Fixing Our Streets program to add reconstruction and paving of Foster Road between SE 82nd and 90th Ave. By combining the two projects construction coordination will be improved and impacts associated with construction activity minimized. Because the project is federally funded, incorporating the added work requires additional environmental approvals that have pushed the anticipated start of construction in the spring of 2018.
My thoughts-
1. Why "East Portland" when there are many other places needing attention closer in?
2. I've used Foster/Hawthorne many times instead of 205 so their traffic points hit home
3. Looks like the local businesses are pretty mad about it but is that enough to kill the project?