With all due respect, this is not to be unexpected from a beginner. I say this because i am too a beginner and have another business and at one point i was, and many others i met was too, curious about these questions. However, you will be on here for days finding hundreds of different answers. The reality is how hard you work, network, and search for good deals will get you where you want to be. That sounds simple enough does it now? The real truth is its not how hard you work but, what you do spending your time working hard, not how hard you work. Then it's not how you network, but who your networking with....that one could be taken vice versa. And not how you search for good deals but where you search for good deals..... As well as how you search for good deals. I hope your not as confused as I was when I got that answer from my first bit of advice from someone from my other buisnes. If you are, then congratulations..... Welcome to the club.