@Chris Seveney Thanks again for the thought replies. I've got a very basic, possibly philosophical (lol) question.
Owning stock market or ETF shares means you own a portion of the company or fund. That portion can change (shrink or grow) based on share dilution or splitting. Someone may ask "So, how do I know my shares won't become worthless through dilution, stock splits, or bad actors?" - and the answer is something like "Well, you don't know that for 100% certain, that's one of the risks, but publicly traded stocks are subject to all kinds of regulations and the scrutiny of public sentiment. A company would be punished by the feds and/or the market bc of perception. These, for the most part, prevent wild "bad faith" moves.
Other investments I have like DSTs and crowdfunding involve actually owning a fraction of a physical building or complex. This, of course, involves market risks and the value of the property, but I don't have to worry about the company manipulating my equity - whatever that property is worth times my fractional ownership number is simple math of what I own.
Investing in 7e means holding private shares. These, if I understand it correctly, don't represent fractional ownership of loans as assests. They're just shares in the fund, made up like other shares are. In that these aren't on the stock market, what prevents the shares in your funds from being diluted or split down to being worthless, or being raided and rendered valueless? I don't have reason to think this will actually happen with 7e, just trying to understand the basic risks involved in these kinds of private investments.