Since I entered the business world, I've always had a strong motivation to be liked by my associates. I think most people in business want to be liked, in fact, sales success has always been linked to strong interpersonal skills. Or is it? I personally believe, after years of business and negotiation experience, that one does not have to be “liked” in business. Instead, one must be respected and effective in business to achieve lasting success.
Relationships develop after years of effective business dealings, not the other way around, as popular belief holds. For example, how many effective business dealings have rooted from a former personal relationship? The most common belief in business is that making friends leads to effective business dealings. My experience is the opposite. I’ve rarely seen effective business dealings come from interpersonal relationships such as golfing buddies or family friends. Instead I’ve seen business associates turn into friends or golfing buddies after many years of effective business dealings.
Don’t continue to focus on being “liked” in business at all costs. You actually may botch up a good business deal as a result of trying so hard to be liked. Focus instead on being respected and effective in your business dealings, and this may eventually lead to being “liked.” But remember, being liked is not the ultimate goal, being respected and effective is.
Posted by Corey Curwick Dutton of Private Money Utah