All points taken and great comments.
It really boils down to personal security for me at this point. When I was younger managing my parents properties at the time I felt good collecting the rents and knocking on the tenants doors, fixing this and that. As I got older with my own rentals before I sold off I would go to make my rounds and I had all cash on me and I though this really isn't safe. So I told me self in the future I'd have to find a better way to collect and spot check. But it's hard especially when you want to check up on your investments.
Driving by and you see a garbage can turned over I'm almost drawn like a magnet to stop and pick it up. I remember seeing an old car in one of the drive ways with no plates and flipped out. I banged on doors and tenant tells me it was her uncles friend car or some crap like that. I told her it had to go ASAP. So it went the next day.
Anyhow for those who have PM's do you guys ever do spot checks on your properties and if things are out of place how do you handle it them. I'm going to assume you'll them call the PM to get their arse over to take care of whatever it is.