I think everyone point in here is fair. I am apart of the subto community and to me its the furthest thing from a mentorship, I mean yeah theres a ton of teaching which is great but theres way more detailed information that I have not gotten anywhere else. Pace's youtube channel provides a lot of good information but in the community theres way more in depth, step by step knowledge from individuals that are experts in this field that a lot of the times we get access to and are able to connect with them because of pace's relationship. The biggest difference is the community, like I said earlier I will never call it a mentorship because it just provides way more than teaching then just pre-recordings and most people wouldn't know if their not in the community. The people in this community are from all over the country and are on all different levels. some are beginners and some are experts in this business, but everybody works with everybody and you can literally find everything you need in this community, buyers, sellers, attorneys, contractors, private lenders, partners, business partners, transaction coordinators, Transactional lenders, cars, even people have found relationship partners in this community lol, but thats just some of the benefits. Im not saying you cant find any of these things elsewhere but I was skeptical at first when my girlfriend had told me about it but I have already made more money than I have invested and I've worked with people that probably wouldn't have worked with someone who at the time didn't have experience, credit, or a lot of funds. Im not saying theres no other way to be successful but this community is great and pace offers so much value.